daveg travels Rotating Header Image

Nan to Khon Kaen

The right side of my face usually isn't so swelled. This was also from Day 2.

The roads just seem to keep getting better and better.  Today John, Kelly, and I  did a 300 km ride.  I met them in Bangkok before I got the bike and for the longest time, they just figured I was pretending that I was a motorcycle traveler.

I’m pretty lazy tonight.. so here’s the summary mini-post style:
* stung in the face by a barbed bug.  ouch.  face swollen looks like I got hit minus the bruising
* second time that happened, first time on way to CM.  I got hit right above the mouth and I had well.. bee stinger lips
* Roads amazing.. views amazing.. Thailand people so incredibly nice– always waving hello, smiling, curious


  1. Jeff says:

    No stung face picture?

  2. daveg says:

    Good point Jeff. Post edited.

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