As part of my travels, I see many odd and interesting signs. Singapore is the king of the obvious and strange when it comes to signs.
Don't shoplift!! Sersiously!!! I'm Pointing at you!!!!!
Ahhhh!!!!! Barrier of D E A T H!!!!
I'd love to see these signs in the US
Restricted areas are very serious here. They'll point at you and you have to put your arms up.
Danger in 4 languages
Just a normal bus. If you couldn't tell, buses are long
Forceful with CAPS but cute with cartoon
From inside of a bus. The steps wouldn't have enough room to stand and read the sign at the same time
Keep it clean!
Carefully read the rules for the Taxi. They're pretty good
Not a warning sign, but I still like it.
Durians and flamable gases.... Very similiar
Very respectful and safe - Work in progress
No Feeding!!!!!
Don't spend too much time reading signs either or you'll get plowed over by the escalator
was the durian one for real? they actually ban the fruit wherever that is (presumably b/c of the smell?)
Yes. If you could smell them you’d understand why. They’re extremely stinky and distinctive. Thailand bans Durian on all public transit too, I think.
Awesome set, Dave! You didn’t mention – how was the pig rectum?
did i mention to u that my uncle is selling pig’s intestine for food? that includes the part that is above the anus: rectum.
No matter where I move… he is still pointing at me!